Tips to increase engagement on Facebook


Since its founding in 2004, Facebook has grown to be considered the queen bee of social networks worldwide. With its more than 1.5 billion users, it is an unprecedented advertising and promotion tool and a window of our image to the outside world. Being able to interact with users will allow us to know their needs, define our objectives and empower our results buy facebook verified comments.

The importance of time: When making your posts , be consistent, dedicate at least one post a day or you will lose credibility. The ideal is to do three or four, especially between 10 in the morning and four in the afternoon. Do not saturate the advertising network, as it generates rejection and can cause the dreaded unfollow. Tools like Hootsuite can help you schedule your entries effectively.

Interact: Maintain a feedback relationship, analyze who your followers are and what their interests are, what motivates and excites them. There is nothing that users like more than talking about themselves, take advantage of it and turn it into an advantage to get to know your potential buyers. You can create an image of closeness through photos, anecdotes and experiences, you should also encourage users to share theirs, ask questions directly and generate debates. Never forget to respond to all comments and proposals and share those that show positive experiences. Remember that the best advertising is what ordinary people do!

Take advantage of the resources: Use multimedia content, videos and images, since it has been proven that they receive 84% more links , you can also resort to quoting phrases from admired people that are related to your company and define your spirit or take advantage of the "top of mind" to make timely publications on a current topic that interests you at that moment.

Hold contests: Nothing motivates participation more than thinking that you can get something in return. Promotions and discounts increase user reactions by 34% and are a good way to spark interest in our products. Mentioning the winners will make them feel special and improve participation in future contests. In the post Keys to launching a contest on Facebook you will find everything you need to know about it.

Provide unique, quality content: In short, differentiate yourself, make the public see that you are capable of providing them with something unique. Your page should not only be a place to sell, but an oasis of content of interest to your followers.

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