Pool Tile Tips
Tiles are one of the most common coverings to achieve a beautiful and elegant pool. This material is resistant to the different products used to keep the pool in good condition. In addition, it is possible to create personalized designs that make each pool unique. To choose the material in a suitable way, we will give several pool plans tile tips.
Tips for choosing pool tiles
The first thing to keep in mind is that the interior lining of the pool is responsible for defining the color of the water. You can choose "three different colors of water":
- Blue water: White, gray or light blue colors will achieve this effect.
- Turquoise water: You should opt for green or brown tones. We can dare more with black.
- Dark water: Dark blue is the best choice, although it is important to remember that depth affects this aspect.
Once we are clear about the color possibilities and the relationship between tiles and water, it is time to choose. What essential tips can we follow to get it right?
It's not just design
The internal lining of the pool should not only focus on design. It is important that the chosen tiles meet a series of more technical properties. The tile must be submersible, resistant and non-slip. Materials such as clay, ceramics or natural stone are the best option.
A personal pattern
After choosing a quality tile, you can create a personal pattern to provide a distinctive and unique touch to the pool. Geometric shapes are one of the classics when it comes to covering the pool. Another option is to use a linear combination of two colors. Of course, you can make personal and unique designs with a different mosaic at the bottom of the pool.
The waterline
The space between the water and the edge of the pool is known as the waterline. This strip of tiling is the most visual and unites the interior with the exterior. Sometimes, you can give it a different decoration by placing a border. This is a personal issue that affects the entire design.
luxury finish
When choosing the color and pattern of the tile, you should think about the pool as a whole. It is important to pay attention to the lighting that is going to be used so that, by integrating both elements, the desired effect is achieved. The reflection of light on water and tiles can make a difference.
To ensure that the tiles stay as good as the first day, it is important to give them the maintenance they need. If a good gluing job has been done with the right material, the maintenance required will be minimal. In the event of a breakage, the best option is to request a specialist so that the coating is as good as new.
The exterior tile is as important as the interior
Another point where tiles can be installed is the outside of the pool. It is done to generate an edge that blends with the interior. If this finish is going to be applied, it is essential that it has non-slip properties to avoid accidents. This floor covering allows you to install swimming pool covers without any problem. They can be both fixed and mobile covers.
Thanks to these tips on pool tiles, you can choose a great material that makes both the inside and the outside shine. It is important to remember that style and details matter as much as the technical qualities of the chosen material. Trust us to choose the best.